Top companies database expanded and improved

If you click on the link on any company listed in this issue of Poultry International, you will be taken directly to that company’s listing on the web site. At that listing you will see the latest update on company information, plus data on multiple years, if available. You must be a registered user of to view the data. Registration is free and only takes a few minutes.

If you click on the link on any company listed in this issue of Poultry International, you will be taken directly to that company’s listing on the web site. At that listing you will see the latest update on company information, plus data on multiple years, if available. You must be a registered user of to view the data. Registration is free and only takes a few minutes.

Company Listing



To view the full database of the world’s leading broiler, turkey and egg producers, click on that in the breadcrumb at the top of the page. That will take you to the landing page of the database. If you click on the button to view the full table, you will be taken to our interactive table displaying more than 1,000 companies in our database.



The interactive table contains key information on each company. You can sort by company, country, region, number of head slaughtered or number of layers. Click on the title of the row you want to sort by, or you can choose the sort right above the table. Clicking on the company name will take you back to full information on that company.

Full Chart

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