Global teams of Hubbard and Novogen gathered in Nantes

Hubbard and Novogen recently gathered their worldwide teams in Nantes, France for a week.

Hubbard and Novogen recently gathered their worldwide teams in Nantes, France for a week. More than 100 technicians and sales representatives from five continents shared and exchanged their knowledge and experience on specific themes meeting the challenges of today and tomorrow, focusing on Hubbard’s "Less Feed, More Meat" and Novogen’s “Genes for Better Eggs” campaigns.

During many workshops, not only genetics, product performances and management were addressed, but also incubation, nutrition, processing, quality and animal health as well as business were well taken care of. A tour of Groupe Grimaud’s headquarters and facilities was part of the global meeting, emphasizing the synergy between the different companies of the group.

All investments made in R&D, technical know-how and people are clearly paying off now as Hubbard is rapidly gaining market share around the world, including fast-growing regions like Asia.

And since its launch in 2008, Novogen has quickly been recognized as a reliable global supplier of layer genetics with excellent field results of the NOVOgen Brown and NOVOgen White products on all continents.

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