16 percent of chicken consumed in Chile is imported

The latest bulletin issued by the PoultryProducers Association of Chile (APA) highlighted the increase in chickencuts imported into Chile.

The latest bulletin issued by the Poultry Producers Association of Chile (APA) highlighted the increase in chicken cuts imported into Chile. According to the document, "total chicken imports increased by 12.6 percent between January and September 2014, compared to the same period the previous year, showing an upward trend so far this year, which has meant strong competition for domestic producers."

In the same report, the APA stated that "imports volume has increased and that there is greater diversity of products and cuts from the U.S., Argentina and Brazil. In this scenario, consumers have benefited the most, because of the intense competition that has generated presentations and brands of the same cut in different outlets."

The U.S. has become Chile’s leading provider of leg quarters, while most boneless chicken breasts come from Brazil. Argentina is Chile’s leading provider of frozen whole chickens. These three chicken cuts represent around 74 percent of chicken imports into Chile, where chicken quarters is the cut mostly imported into this market.

The study concludes by stating that "this growth in imports means that today 16 percent of the various chicken cuts consumed by Chileans are of foreign origin, somewhat higher than reported in previous years."
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