Canada pledges funds to update poultry codes

The Canadian government is granting over $2million to the Canadian Animal Health Coalition to update poultry codes.

The Canadian government has agreed to make an investment of over $2 million to the Canadian Animal Health Coalition (CAHC) to develop and update poultry codes and further advance best practices for the care and handling of other farm animals. The announcement of the government’s plan took place at the Poultry Industry Council's head office.

Building on previous work done with the National Farm Animal Care Council (NFACC), the CAHC will update existing animal care codes for the poultry sector and develop three new codes of practice for additional sectors. Guidance materials will be developed to ensure that farmers have access to the latest, most up-to-date codes and assessment programs, assuring customers that the product they choose has been raised to the strictest standards of animal welfare.

"Our government is proud to support the poultry industry in achieving the highest possible standards for animal health. Consumers have increasingly high expectations for animal welfare and this investment will help the industry enhance its competitiveness both at home and abroad through promotion of assurance systems that will benefit the entire value chain," said Pierre Lemieux, parliamentary secretary.

Jennifer McTavish, chair of the CAHC, added: "The CAHC appreciates the federal government's continued commitment to the development of animal care codes and animal care assessment under the inclusive, science based NFACC process."

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