Latest Ross 140 Club member achieves production record

AviagenSweChick customer Övraby Lantbruks AB, a contract farmer forSweHatch, is celebrating a record achievement of 151 chickens perhen housed at 60 weeks from its Ross flock. Owned by Ingela and Carl ErikÖvgård, this success makes Övraby Lantbruks AB the latest addition to the Ross140 Club.

Aviagen SweChick customer Övraby Lantbruks AB, a contract farmer for SweHatch, is celebrating a record achievement of 151 chickens per hen housed at 60 weeks from its Ross flock. Owned by Ingela and Carl Erik Övgård, this success makes Övraby Lantbruks AB the latest addition to the Ross 140 Club.

Aviagen SweChick introduced the Ross 140 Club to Sweden in 2012 to help customers in their region motivate their producers to reach higher levels of productivity, thereby aiding overall economic results.

The Övraby Lantbruks AB farm has been going from strength to strength since its inception in 1979.  It began with a capacity of 3,500 females and this has grown over the years to a current capacity of 32,000 females.

Ingela Ovgard said: “We are very happy to have achieved this record result.  We are very proud of what we do. Work on the farm never stops. I start every morning at 5 a.m., checking feed going out and picking up floor eggs. I like to be up and about at the same time as the birds and always keep a close watch over them.  The time spent with the animals is very important. For me, it is crucial to take care of details today and not tomorrow and to check that the basics, such as feed, water and light are always just so. 

“I have very good support from my employees Petra and Kenneth who understand our values very well.  Of course, no good management will show results without a good bird and I feel that the Ross 308 is more robust and easier to manage than ever.”

Nina Yngve, SweHatch production manager, added: “I am delighted with the outstanding result Ingela, Carl Erik and their team achieved.  Many factors attribute to this success – excellent management with focus on the rearing period, male management and, of course, attention to detail on the key inputs at the crucial stages of production. SweHatch and all suppliers and contractors follow the same principles and work towards the same targets which makes for a successful cooperation.“

Thomas Carlson, general manager, Aviagen SweChick, commended the success by commenting: “I am very happy for Ingela and Carl Erik and offer my warmest congratulations to them. Clearly, the hard work they put in every day is paying off and they are worthy entrants to the 140 Club with their excellent achievement of 151 chicks. We started the 140 Club to acknowledge and reward our customers’ producers who reach a high level of productivity and we’re pleased to a see a record such as this being set.”

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