Ceva summit reviews poultry diseases, solutions

Almost200 poultry professionals from 21 European and African countries, includingveterinarians, poultry production managers, renowned experts and Ceva teammanagers, met at a summit April 28-30 in Lisbon, Portugal, to discuss presentand future solutions for Gumboro disease and infectious bronchitis control.

Almost 200 poultry professionals from 21 European and African countries, including veterinarians, poultry production managers, renowned experts and Ceva team managers, met at a summit April 28-30 in Lisbon, Portugal, to discuss present and future solutions for Gumboro disease and infectious bronchitis.

Ceva’s guests had the opportunity to hear from expert scientists on immunology, poultry pathology, incubation and vaccinology, in order to review the diseases and how to control them, with scientific and practical information on prevention, vaccine administration, and process control from the hatchery to the farm. The critical points to know, understand, check and share were discussed at length.

“Gumboro disease, infectious bronchitis and Newcastle disease are some of the most challenging avian diseases with major negative impacts on chicken production,” explained Sylvain Comte, Ceva corporate marketing director – poultry. “As part of our commitment to the poultry industry, we want to bring the latest data and the best advice to producers. Our ultimate goal is to help our clients improve their disease control measures and performance in their day-to-day activity.” 

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