Avinor, Aviagen educate Peruvian poultry producers at seminar

More than sixty poultry producers from throughout Peru attended the Avinor-Ross Seminar on April 15 in Lima, Peru, to learn about some of the most advanced poultry health and management practices. In a daylong seminar at the Hilton Lima Hotel, attendees listened to world-renowned experts on topics such as advanced genetics and large-scale broiler management.

More than sixty poultry producers from throughout Peru attended the Avinor-Ross Seminar on April 15 in Lima, Peru, to learn about some of the most advanced poultry health and management practices. In a daylong seminar at the Hilton Lima Hotel, attendees listened to world-renowned experts on topics such as advanced genetics and large-scale broiler management.

The eighth edition of the Avinor-Ross Seminar was once again hosted by Avinor, the Peruvian distributor of Ross broiler breeders, with support from Aviagen, the world’s largest poultry breeding company.

The Peruvian poultry industry produces around 48 million broilers each month, nearly double the number produced a decade ago, according to the Peruvian Poultry Association. With the industry looking to increase broiler exports to other countries, Peruvian breeders are working to create more efficient and productive operations. The Avinor-Ross Seminar covered a variety of topics aimed at helping breeders achieve their growth and productivity goals.

The invitation-only event has featured an intensive program with six technical presentations.

“We’ve worked closely with Avinor from the day it became a Ross distributor in 1998, and we’re delighted to support this 8th edition of the Avinor-Ross Seminar,” said Luis Cesio, regional sales manager for Aviagen in South America. “When people look at the future of the poultry industry in Peru and Latin America as a whole, they look at strategic companies like Avinor, which has the foresight to ensure that its customers always have the latest information to ensure they meet their business goals.”

“This specialized seminar is a great example of how Aviagen works hand in hand with our customers,” said Ricardo Valle, regional technical manager at Aviagen Latin America. “Together we share a common commitment of collaboration that is focused on poultry performance, health, and breeding success.”
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