US turkey exports down nearly 15 percent in February

Exportsof U.S. turkey dropped nearly 15 percent in February on a year-over-year basis,with shipments reaching a total of 51.7 million pounds. February’s U.S. turkeyexport figures were released in the April 15 USDA Livestock, Dairy and PoultryOutlook report.

Exports of U.S. turkey dropped nearly 15 percent in February on a year-over-year basis, with shipments reaching a total of 51.7 million pounds. February’s U.S. turkey export figures were released in the April 15 USDA Livestock, Dairy and Poultry Outlook report.

Shipments of U.S. turkey to South Korea saw the largest percentage drop at nearly 94 percent. February turkey exports dropped to 112,000 pounds in February, compared to 1.8 million pounds in February 2013. U.S. turkey exports to China for February dropped 68.2 percent from 11.4 million pounds to 2.6 million pounds.

Mexico, which in 2013 accounted for 59 percent of all U.S. turkey shipments, received 0.2 percent less U.S. turkey on a year-over-year basis in February.

The USDA’s April forecast for 2014 U.S. turkey exports at 710 million pounds, a decrease of 50 million pounds from its March forecast. The United States exported 758 million pounds of turkey in 2013.

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