US broiler production, consumption expected to rise steadily through 2023

U.S. broiler production andconsumption is expected to increase steadily over the next ten years, nearlydoubling the production and consumption of both beef and pork by 2023. Theprojections were highlighted in the Agricultural Projections report, released bythe USDA Office of the Chief Economist (OCE) on February 13.

U.S. broiler production and consumption is expected to increase steadily over the next ten years, nearly doubling the production and consumption of both beef and pork by 2023. The projections were highlighted in the Agricultural Projections report, released by the USDA Office of the Chief Economist (OCE) on February 13.

US broiler production to grow by 10 billion pounds

Broiler production in the United States is expected to reach 35 billion pounds in 2014, but production will continue to rise throughout the projection period, reaching nearly 45 billion pounds in 2023. Larger amounts of birds produced and heavier weights at slaughter are both expected to contribute to the increase in U.S. broiler production.

The projected U.S. broiler production estimates significantly exceed the estimated figures of U.S. pork and beef production. An estimated 24 billion pounds of pork and 23 billion pounds of beef are expected to be produced in the United States in 2023.

U.S. beef production is expected to decline through 2016, before starting a slow, gradual climb. U.S. pork production is forecast to surpass U.S. beef production in 2014 and continue rise slowly throughout 2023, maintaining a modest lead in market share over beef throughout the projection period.

US per capita broiler consumption to rise substantially

U.S. consumption of broiler meat will substantially rise from an estimated 83.7 pounds per capita in 2014 to 94.7 in 2023, according to the Agricultural Projections report. Meanwhile, U.S. pork consumption will rise slightly from 47.1 pounds per capita in 2014 to 48.6 pounds in 2023, and U.S. beef consumption will drop from 53 pounds per capita in 2014 to 52.1 pounds in 2023.

Turkey consumption is also expected to increase over the projection period, rising from an estimated 16.3 pounds per capita in 2014 to 17.4 pounds per capita in 2023.

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