Revisions to British Lion Code of Practice for UK egg producers

A new version of the British Lion Code of Practice was launched in the UK at the beginning of November. Version 7 of the code, the most comprehensive to date, runs to more than 200 pages in length, and has in excess of 700 auditable criteria.

A new version of the British Lion Code of Practice was launched in the UK at the beginning of November.

Version 7 of the code, the most comprehensive to date, runs to more than 200 pages in length, and has in excess of 700 auditable criteria. It consolidates the latest scientific, veterinary and food safety advice on producing and handling eggs.

Nearly 90 percent of UK eggs are produced within the Lion scheme and the British Lion is now the UK's leading food safety mark, with consumer recognition of more than 80 percent. The Lion scheme is the only UK egg-specific assurance scheme that meets the requirements of the EN 45011 international accreditation standard.

"The British Lion scheme is one of the world's greatest food industry success stories," said Andrew Joret, chairman of the British Egg Industry Council, commenting on the new version. "The introduction of the Lion Code of Practice 15 years ago has effectively eliminated Salmonella and restored consumer confidence in British eggs, with consumption now at the highest level for more than two decades.

"The launch of the latest version of the Code is the culmination of years of work and the improvements to the standards maintain the Lion scheme's pre-eminence among food assurance schemes."

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