US poultry production forecast for 2013 lowered by USDA

Forecasts for U.S. broiler and turkey production for 2013have been lowered by the United States Department of Agriculture, according tothe agency’s November 8 World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report.The change in outlook for U.S poultry production takes into accountlower-than-anticipated production for both broilers and turkeys during thefourth quarter of 2013, based on hatchery data.

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Forecasts for U.S. broiler and turkey production for 2013 have been lowered by the United States Department of Agriculture, according to the agency's November 8 World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report. The change in outlook for U.S poultry production takes into account lower-than-anticipated production for both broilers and turkeys during the fourth quarter of 2013, based on hatchery data.

Broiler production during the third quarter was higher than projected in the September WASDE report.  However, an expected decline in broiler production during the fourth quarter more than offset the gains during the third quarter. November broiler production estimates for 2013 were at 37.791 billion pounds, down from the 37.81 billion pounds projected in the September WASDE report.

Turkey production for 2013 was projected in the November WASDE report at 5.86 billion pounds, down from the 5.93 billion pounds forecast in September.

Projections for U.S broiler production in 2014 were raised from 38.75 billion pounds to 38.9 billion pounds, while projections for turkey production in 2014 were lowered from 6.1 billion pounds to 6 billion pounds.

Ending stocks of broilers in 2013 remained unchanged at 650 million pounds, while ending stocks for turkeys dropped from 320 million pounds to 300 million pounds. Ending stock projections for 2014 for both turkeys and broilers held steady at 310 million pounds and 300 million pounds, respectively.

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