Summit to focus on sharing poultry trade’s sustainability story

The sixth annual Animal Agriculture Sustainability Summit will be held during the International Production and Processing Expo (IPPE) at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta. Sponsored by the U.S. Poultry and Egg Association, this timely program will provide viewpoints from top industry experts on sustainability and on sharing the poultry industry's sustainable story, as well as how to engage consumers and the public.

The sixth annual Animal Agriculture Sustainability Summit will be held during the International Production and Processing Expo (IPPE) at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta. Sponsored by the U.S. Poultry and Egg Association, this timely program will provide viewpoints from top industry experts on sustainability and on sharing the poultry industry's sustainable story, as well as how to engage consumers and the public. The two-day program is $150 for all registered expo attendees.

"The Animal Agriculture Sustainability Summit continues to be a popular program on the Expo schedule. This year's program is designed to keep industry leaders up-to-date on industry sustainability initiatives by providing a variety of information from a diverse panel of speakers," said Joe Miller, General Counsel for Rose Acre Farms and Animal Agriculture Sustainability Summit planning committee member.

This year's Animal Agriculture Sustainability Summit will include a presentation by Paul Helgeson, GNP Company, on Feed Ingredient Sourcing: A Hot Spot of a Life Cycle Analysis. Jeff Potent, George Washington University and Environmental Protection Agency, will discuss Corporate Responsibility, and Jim Fallon, Center for Food Integrity, will present on What Have We Learned in the Last Twelve Months? There will also be a topic discussing Consumer/Public Engagement: What Drives Your Message with A PR Firm's Perspective, An Industry Customer Perspective and A Blogger's Perspective. The summit will conclude with a ceremony to recognize and present honors to winners of USPOULTRY's 2014 Family Farm Environmental Excellence Award.

The IPPE, the world's largest annual poultry, feed and meat industry event, will be held January 28-30, 2014. The Animal Agriculture Sustainability Summit is scheduled for Monday and Tuesday, January 27-28.

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