World Egg Day: Will the egg industry survive in 30 years?

This Friday October 14 is World Egg Day, so I had a conversation with Dr. Javier Prida, Coordinator of the Latin American Egg Institute (ILH) to see what their plans are. The ILH will have a webinar with the participation of the 20 Latin American poultry associations through platforms and social networks.

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(World Egg Day)
(World Egg Day)

This Friday October 14 is World Egg Day, so I had a conversation with Dr. Javier Prida, Coordinator of the Latin American Egg Institute (ILH) to see what their plans are. The ILH will have a webinar with the participation of the 20 Latin American poultry associations through platforms and social networks.

In addition to the opening words of the Latin American Poultry Producers Association (ALA) President and of the ILH Coordinator himself, Sandra Wages, ALA’s nutritionist, will give a presentation on why eggs are good in all stages of life. Then, Francisco Javier González, General Director of Previtep (Mexico) will give a presentation on why we should be eating two eggs per day, based on a wide array of aspects from nutritional to social, environmental economics and others. The webinar is open to the public, it’s free and will be broadcast by Zoom and Facebook Live. 

I think this a very good effort. Education on poultry products is a must. Just a couple of weeks ago a friend of mine told me how his son’s pediatrician was telling him “to avoid consuming chicken and eggs because of hormones and all the chemicals used in their production.” 

“But the worst,” said Javier Prida, “is that now, there are more and more vegan nutritionists,” nutritionists that actually got a college degree in nutrition.

The poultry industry seems to not be aware of this. I have said this before: “We all need to work together, as a team in demythologizing eggs and chicken.” If we don’t do it, who will? And Prida insists we all – equipment, hatcheries, genetics companies, everybody – need to be involved. If not, “they all will end up selling seeds!” I have to agree with him.

Many groups seem to be winning the battle. It is not nice to compare this to a war, “but we can have all the artillery, weapons, bullets and bombs, but in the underground, these groups are bombing our events through social media, wrecking restaurants not using cage-free eggs and so on. And no one responds.”

With all the money these groups collect, we could carry a global poultry industry campaign. “Companies question campaigns and are reluctant to economically participate. At this rate, we will disappear in 30 years.”

What do you think?

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