2 Sisters worker on quest for Guinness world record

2 Sisters Food Group employee Glen Baddeley hopes to break the Guinness world record for the fastest time to run across Iceland.

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Glen Baddeley of 2 Sisters Food Group hopes to run across Iceland in world record time, while raising money for disadvantaged children. (Courtesy Boparan Charitable Trust)
Glen Baddeley of 2 Sisters Food Group hopes to run across Iceland in world record time, while raising money for disadvantaged children. (Courtesy Boparan Charitable Trust)

A 2 Sisters Food Group employee has set out to break the Guinness world record for the fastest time to run across Iceland.

And while I will not be (and could not be) behind him in a literal sense, I am behind him in the figurative sense.

Glen Baddeley, according to a notice on the 2 Sisters website, is set to go on this venture in September, known as Project Iceman.

"We only get one chance on this planet to make our mark,” Baddeley said. "In September this year I will be attempting something which for many will seem impossible, for most difficult, and the rest plain crazy. I will be attempting to set an Official Guinness World Record for the time taken to run across Iceland. The record stands at just over 10.5 days and will require me running a double marathon daily to break it. I will be fully tracked via GPS and my progress will be visible on the internet.”

But he’s not doing it just to see if he can do it, or to be a showboat. He also has helping others in mind.

Project Iceman is also about raising money for the Boparan Charitable Trust. 2 Sisters Food Group, the largest poultry company in the U.K., is a subsidiary of Boparan Holdings, and Ranjit Singh Boparan is the founder and president of 2 Sisters Food Group.

The trust supports disadvantaged children across the U.K. with disability equipment, treatments and therapies, as well as household essentials, and the funds raised will go directly to the children in need of the most support, according to Baddeley.

I don’t even know Baddeley, but I certainly respect him. As someone who hasn’t followed any sort of workout routine since track season of my senior year in high school, any adult who still runs has my respect. And to run across all of Iceland? That’s just incredible. You can’t help but admire a guy who would do that while raising funds for such a good cause.

If you would like to help support Baddeley’s cause, information on how to do so can be found on the Boparan Charitable Trust webpage.

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