My top five blogs of 2021 — cage-free eggs on the forefront

Learn more about the top five subjects covered in the Latin American poultry industry in 2021, including cage-free egg production.

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(Andrea Gantz)
(Andrea Gantz)

The year is ending, and I decided to see what was the most interesting for readership in 2021. Out of the 52 blogs I published this year, these were the top five in readership: 

  1. 60 million poultry could starve to death in Colombia
  2. The 'no to cage-free' at the OIE from some Latin Americans
  3. The advantages of consumers of poultry products in Brazil
  4. Insect protein is also in the sights of welfare. Really?
  5. Is cage-free egg demand really increasing?

The blog that was read the most was about Colombia, the third largest poultry industry in Latin America. A few months ago, social unrest in that country was jeopardizing the poultry industry. I guess the headline of 60 million birds starving to death was appealing! 

The No. 2 subject matter was cage-free production, with two blogs ranking in this list. For me, this is a sign. Egg producers in Latin America want to know about this topic and may be worried about what’s next on this issue. Forcing an industry that supplies so much nutrition wealth to the population is something we all must be worried about. 

Brazil is third in interest. No wonder, because as I wrote, Brazilians are privileged to have a superior production of affordable, high-quality animal proteins, blessed with resources as well as producers looking forward to improving. It is the largest poultry industry in the region and will continue to be interesting to see what this country is doing. 

Lastly, welfare is at the forefront too. Although my blog listed here is not about animal welfare per se, it is a critical point of view concerning that issue, using insects as writing material. But insects can also be a food or feed material worth to look at. 

In any event, I hope you all have enjoyed my humble writing and comments, with the hopes that something was contributed as food for thought. 

What do you think? (Happy and Healthy New Year 2022 to all!)

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