Videos honor, highlight women of USAPEEC

If you haven’t seen the videos posted on YouTube by the USA Poultry & Egg Export Council in observance of International Women’s Day, which was March 8, you certainly should check them out.

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Liliana Solis is one of the USA Poultry & Egg Export Council staff members highlighted in videos produced in observance of International Women's Day. (Screenshot from YouTube)
Liliana Solis is one of the USA Poultry & Egg Export Council staff members highlighted in videos produced in observance of International Women's Day. (Screenshot from YouTube)

If you haven’t seen the videos posted on YouTube by the USA Poultry & Egg Export Council in observance of International Women’s Day, which was March 8, you certainly should check them out.

This blog post may be about 10 days too late, but the videos’ messages should resonate any time of the year.

While I can only bring the male perspective to the conversation, I found both videos to be inspiring. It made me happy to see that so many of the women who work within the USAPEEC organization have such capabilities and confidence as shown on the screen. And, with no disrespect intended to the men of USAPEEC, it showed that the organization would not function as effectively as it does without these women’s workplace contributions.

But Jim Sumner, president and CEO of USAPEEC, already knew that. In an email to USAPEEC members, Sumner said: “For us here at USAPEEC, we know that every day is an international women’s day that ought to be celebrated thanks to the talented, bright and hardworking women in our 13 international offices and on our headquarters staff. You may not realize it, but about 80% of our overseas offices are headed by women, while a large majority of our U.S. staff are women. Their abilities and dedication ensure that our industry is represented at all times and in all situations in the best ways possible.”

In one of the two videos, Jean Murphy, of the U.S. office, says: “I am so proud that over 80% of the USA Poultry & Egg Export Council international offices are led by women. I'm truly honored to work with these talented women who have been pioneers in the USA poultry and egg industry. I believe that these women bring a strong diplomacy and a sensibility to the jobs that we do every day. This does not surprise me, given our great multitasking ability. … This makes me hopeful for little girls out there who can aspire to be leaders in great organizations such as this. Today, women are breaking barriers, becoming prime ministers, presidents and CEOs -- domains previously held by men only. I think that USAPEEC recognizes the values we bring as productive efficient professionals to represent the organization all around the world.”

In the second video, Nina Halal, of the Lebanon office, says: “Being a woman for me means so many things. It means trusting your abilities and instincts, embracing yourself, but it also means helping others without making gender differences.”

I hope we can all have the attitude that Sumner and USAPEEC have in that every day should be an international women’s day.

I want to salute all of the women featured in the two videos: Murphy, Halal, Sana Makkani. Jennifer Valadez, Liliana Solis, Margaret Say, Shelby Watson, Tannya Yee, Amy Myers, Young Kim, Zelda Sharp, Rosi Vettorazzi, Alma Lilia de Leon, Izumi Amono, Leah Cochran Mulcahy, Lisa Lindblad, Mary Alice Cain, Sarah Li, Shin Chung, Devna Khanna, Barbara Moore, Gloria Martinez, Georgina Patron, Sadie Hong, Ana Vettorazzi

The global poultry industry is better because of you.

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