Bryan Adams’ reckless pro-vegan post cuts like a knife

Regardless of the vegan retro rocker’s intentions, Bryan Adams, through an angry post on Instagram, has justifiably caused a lot of outrage.

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Musician Bryan Adams expressed his frustrations about wet markets in China and the COVID-19 pandemic, but some things he wrote on Instagram have been even more controversial. (Zu1u | Bigstock)
Musician Bryan Adams expressed his frustrations about wet markets in China and the COVID-19 pandemic, but some things he wrote on Instagram have been even more controversial. (Zu1u | Bigstock)

Regardless of the vegan retro rocker’s intentions, Bryan Adams, through an angry post on Instagram, has justifiably caused a lot of outrage.

The Canadian musician churned out a slew of hits during the ’80s and early ’90s, such as “Heaven,” “Run to You” and “Cuts Like a Knife.” And as of at least a few days ago, Adams’ music remained in steady rotation on classic hits radio stations. That airplay, however, might have just stopped.

On May 11, Adams posted a clip on Instagram of him singing one of those hits, with a caption that explained he would have been performing that evening, but because of “bat eating, wet market animal selling, virus-making greedy (expletive)s, the whole world is now on hold, not to mention the thousands that have suffered or died from this virus. My message to them other than ‘thanks a (expletive) lot’ is go vegan.”

Adams is of course referring to wet markets that have historically been prevalent in China, and blaming the Chinese for, at least in his mind, being responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic.

His post, which has since been deleted, drew much anger from those who now see Adams as nothing more than a fowl-mouthed racist and xenophobe.

However, Adams claims that was not the message he was wanting to convey. In a follow-up post, he stated: “Apologies to any and all that took offence to my posting yesterday. No excuse, I just wanted to have a rant about the horrible animal cruelty in these wet markets being the possible source of the virus, and promote veganism. I have love for all people and my thoughts are with everyone dealing with this pandemic around the world.”

Sorry, Bryan, the damage is done.

As someone who was a teenager during Adams’ heyday, I remember jamming out to his more upbeat tunes, and my sister even had his “Reckless” album on vinyl. But I never considered myself a huge fan of his. Now, I certainly don’t consider myself one.

While I would rather he be a celebrity who supports agriculture, if Adams wants to be a vegan, power to him. If he wants to promote a vegan agenda, that’s fine too, as long as he keeps it factual and classy.

I’d even go along with Adams -- a little -- as I too believe wet markets aren’t the best way to sell poultry. A few months ago, Tyson Foods CEO Noel White said he believed we would see a shift away from poultry sales at wet markets in China to a more modern retail grocery setting because of the COVID-19 pandemic and sanitary concerns.

In order for such a change to be made, those who decide to make those changes will do so because of health-related concerns and not because of an angry diatribe from a potty-mouthed has-been via social media. 

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