Jackpot! Casino breaks chicken wing world record

It’s no secret that Americans love chicken wings, and a casino in Bemus Point, New York recently proved that by selling 40,210 chicken wings in a 24-hour period.

Roy Graber Headshot
GG, Freeimages.com
GG, Freeimages.com

It’s no secret that Americans love chicken wings, and a casino in Bemus Point, New York recently proved that by selling 40,210 chicken wings in a 24-hour period.

That’s right, more than 40,000 wings were served in one day, at one location. In doing so, The Village Casino broke its own Guinness world record.

The casino earlier set the record in 1982 with 29,638 wings served in one day, according to a report by the Post-Journal, which actually reported even more wings (40,520) were served than the record-breaker itself did.

The record-breaking festivities started at 8 p.m. on August 11, with more than 800 people reportedly lined up to buy wings. A break was taken from 3 a.m. to 9 a.m. August 12, before the serving resumed. It took 158 staff members to pull off the wing-serving extravaganza.

“We’ve had some big events over the years, but this one probably takes the cake,” Dan Colburn, Village Casino head of security said.

The appeal of chicken wings and world records

We’ve all heard the phrase “records are made to be broken,” and evidently the Village Casino figured if it were to be broken, why not break it themselves. It’s amazing to me that the record had stood since 1982.

Since that time, chicken wing consumption has become so large that someone had to invent the phrase “boneless wings,” which aren’t even wings at all, but rather pieces of chicken breast or other parts that are coated in sauce commonly used with wings.

Because of that popularity, it’s amazing that the record hadn’t already been broken. And by besting their old record by more than 10,000 wings in one day, it should be secure.

This was possibly the best publicity stunt since Canadian artist Douglas Bevans came up with the idea of hot dog water, as mentioned in an earlier WATTAgNet blog post.

But you have to wonder if the publicity surrounding this record-setting event might encourage another entity to try to break it. After all, it’s pretty exciting to be able to say you were part of a world record. As a onetime member of the world’s largest marching band, I can attest to that. Plus, who among us did not beg our parents to buy a “Guinness Book of World Records” from a Scholastic book order as a kid?

And now, the casino’s employees and patrons can point to the next edition of the book and say, “I was there.”

And if you get the chance to eat something as good as chicken wings in order to be a part of the record-setting event, that makes it even better.

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