Chicken and eggs for urbanites, ‘as is’

Last week, leaders from 100 cities of the world involved with the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact met in Valencia, Spain

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Twinsterphoto, Bigstock
Twinsterphoto, Bigstock

Last week, leaders from 100 cities of the world involved with the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact met in Valencia, Spain. The reason for this pact is to bring fresh food to the urban consumer, particularly in order to fight rampant obesity, food waste and the so-called “food deserts,” neighborhoods or areas with little access to healthy food.

Joe Mihevc, of the City of Toronto, complained, as it was published in El País, of the disconnection between urbanites and the countryside, specifically, what people eat every day. I liked this word very much: disconnection.

Disconnection is when people are absolutely certain in defending eggs from cage-free hens or antibiotic-free chicken – or worse yet, when they claim chicken are fed hormones – when in their life, they have never seen a commercial hen or have never been to a modern farm. These urbanites cannot imagine the science behind the poultry production, the years of research, nor the interest in producing healthy, safe and affordable food. There is total ignorance on what the poultry industry is, and zero interest in listening to the specialists and learning from them.

Why they do eat ultra-processed foods and they do not eat an egg or a chicken, “as is?” How has this been achieved? Or how it has not been achieved?

Perhaps it is obvious that there is disconnection between the city and the countryside. But the poultry industry cannot allow the connection to be a short circuit between ill-informed (and perhaps malicious) lobbies.

What do you think?

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