Season’s Greetings from everyone at Poultry International

The team at Poultry International and WATTAgNet wish all readers the season's very best wishes and continued success in 2017.

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Season’s Greetings to all the readers of Poultry International and WATTAgNet!

A heartfelt thank you to everyone for contributing and sharing, offering feedback and “liking.”

I could not do my job without the help of friends and colleagues in the industry. Your support is much appreciated.

Looking to 2017

Poultry International has reported on the industry from north to south, east to west, and from big to small over the past year. During the year ahead, however, we will adding a regular new dimension to the magazine as will the editors of the title’s sister publication.

In 2017, each edition of Poultry International will look at a specific aspect of poultry production to see what the future may hold. We start with a look at the future of breeding in our January issue. Following issues will look at topics ranging from feed to welfare.

Predicting the future is never easy, but please do look out for these articles and let me know what you think.

While honing in on specifics is difficult, what is reasonably assured is that the poultry industry has a positive long-term outlook, so from everyone at Poultry International and WattAgNet, we wish you every success in 2017 and the years to come and a happy and peaceful Christmas.


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