Need a good laugh? Check out AEB's holiday campaign

The American Egg Board's "The Gift of Eggs" campaign includes the type of innocent and fun humor everyone needed in a year that has been full of hardship and arguments.

The American Egg Board's latest campaign plays off classic holiday car commercials, showing a family surprising their dad with an extravagantly wrapped carton of eggs in the driveway. (Courtesy AEB)
The American Egg Board's latest campaign plays off classic holiday car commercials, showing a family surprising their dad with an extravagantly wrapped carton of eggs in the driveway. (Courtesy AEB)

The American Egg Board (AEB) launched "The Gift of Eggs," a new holiday campaign that pokes fun at extravagant gift-giving to celebrate what matters during the season — family, friends, special memories and food.

"The online campaign features two short films that upend typical holiday gifting ads with a comic twist to remind consumers that just a dozen eggs can open the door to incredible possibilities," a press release from the AEB said.

I must say, the AEB nailed it with this campaign. Now take that for what it is worth from the woman who loves this joke: How do you steal a coat? You jacket.

The campaign is the type of innocent ,fun humor everyone needed in a year that has been full of hardship and arguments about political views and the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The 15-second spots are titled "Giant Bow" and "Proposal," respectively. The former plays off classic holiday car commercials, showing a family surprising their dad with an extravagantly wrapped carton of eggs in the driveway; the latter leans into jewelry store holiday romance, revealing that the proposal is not with a diamond, but an incredible egg. The tongue-in-cheek films will run on social media and in online advertising, bringing smiles to consumers during a holiday season that will be celebrated differently than in the past," said the AEB press release.

As someone who planned her wedding twice due to the pandemic, I found that at times there was nothing you could do but laugh and honestly the proposal commercial is a perfect example of that. I think us COVID brides will relate to that commercial maybe more than AEB realized.

"Food is ever important during the holidays, and we expect it to be much more so this year as families look for ways to celebrate under challenging circumstances. We wanted to give people a laugh, because we could all use a little extra cheer, this year, especially. We hope these lighthearted digital shorts remind us all that something homemade is sometimes the best gift and a great way to make meaningful new memories, celebrate traditions and bond over incredible food," said Emily Metz, president and CEO of AEB.

Metz makes a great point. This year for the holidays, if you have decided to stay home rather than travel to see family, take the extra time to bake with your family. Consider it time with your kids that in a normal year, you might not have.

Since you may not be seeing some of your beloved extended family members, send them the ingredients to bake cookies themselves. Maybe it is not a good idea to mail the eggs, but if they live close enough you might be able to provide the "giant bow" experience everyone loves.

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