Woman dies protesting for animal rights

Regan Russell is a PETA member who was killed by a pig-transport truck recently as she stood outside a pig slaughterhouse in Canada.

Ladihenry | Bigstock
Ladihenry | Bigstock

Regan Russell is a People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) member who was killed by a pig-transport truck as she stood outside a slaughterhouse in Canada, protesting the harvesting of animals for human consumption on June 19.

PETA announced in a press release that the organization was to hold a protest in Hyrum, Utah, as a tribute to the woman. "Armed with signs proclaiming, "Meat Is Murder for Animals AND Workers," members of PETA and the Utah Animal Rights Coalition (UARC) will gather outside the JBS slaughterhouse in Hyrum, which remains open even though nearly 300 of its employees have tested positive for COVID-19, to call for its closure. The protesters will also honor the memory of Regan Russell…."

Now let me be very blunt, I am by no means condoning violence and it's truly devastating when any human loses life. However, according to InsideHalton, "Witnesses reported the protester was giving water to the pigs that were inside the trailer of the transport truck while it was still moving when she was struck and killed."

I give the lady credit for her dedication, but why would you try and keep up with a moving semi? That on its own is dangerous.

In a different report, InsideHalton wrote, "The truck with its cargo of squealing pigs remained at the scene for several hours as police blocked off the area and began their investigation." The same InsideHalton report describes the day as, "scorching hot."

The world has seen an unprecedented number of protests lately, and do not get me wrong, I am all for peaceful protest. However, the minute you put yourself or others at risk to prove your point, you're causing more harm than good. This incident is a perfect example.

I sure hope we don't see any more incidents like this. It is disgusting that PETA is using the accidental death of someone to promote its agenda.


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