Inprovo initiative to show consumers how eggs are produced

My congratulations go out to Inprovo, Spain’s professional egg association, which just launched the "Gente del Huevo” (Egg People) initiative.

Ruiz B 90x90 Headshot
(Benjamin Ruiz)
(Benjamin Ruiz)

My congratulations go out to Inprovo, Spain’s professional egg association, which has just launched the "Gente del Huevo” (Egg People) initiative. In it, there are professionals from different sectors who explain their work. It’s as simple as that.

Inprovo wants to show consumers – as mentioned in its press release – who are the people who produce eggs in Spain: poultry farmers with modern equipment for the comfort of hens, veterinarians who control the health of birds, nutritionists who prepare feeds that meet their needs, and many other 'Egg People' that work to obtain safe and high quality products.

What I like is that Inprovo chose industry players – who are not actors – for these initial four videos. The way they speak is very clear and simple, but with a professionalism that gives security to the listener when they talk about production, classification and transformation of the egg.

For example, the veterinarian talks about her responsibilities, which leads to laying hen welfare, key to good production. This professional even mentions water quality and says well that "when a hen produces, it is a hen that is in good condition." Crystal clear, just as water itself.

I like the mention of animal welfare, just as it is in livestock production. However, it should be recognized that Europe has the advantage – if it can be so described – of having alternative systems already regulated, which gives a good image to the consumer. In this regard, Latin America still has a long way to go.

This is the type of message that should be conveyed to the consumers, who are often meddlesome in how animals must be raised, even though it is a topic they really know little about. Inprovo says that the "Egg People" initiative is a "public recognition of people working in the sector." I would add that it is also a recognition of the quality products that are produced, and that the population is fed with them.

The egg-producing industry, in addition to being "an economic and social engine," is the producer of the cheapest animal protein and of the best nutritional quality. Hopefully this initiative is imitated, and we help customers to get out of obscurantism and fake news.

Congratulations Inprovo!

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