Bell Food Group adjusting organizational structure, reorganizing business

Bell Food group restructuring and reorganizing.

The Bell Food Group is adjusting its organizational structure and reorganizing the business areas at top Group level. The business area Convenience will be split into the three independent business areas Eisberg, Hilcona and Hügli.

The current division heads Martin Henck (Hilcona) and Thomas Bodenmann (Hügli) will continue to manage business activities and will now also join the group executive board. In addition to his position as head of Bell International, Marco Tschanz will also serve as head of Eisberg. Volker Baltes, the current head of the discontinued business area Convenience will be leaving the company at his own request as a result of the reorganization. The board of directors would like to thank him for his commitment and services. The business areas Bell Switzerland and Bell International will not see any changes. Sven Friedli will take over from Marco Tschanz as Head of IT Bell Food Group.

The changes to the organizational structure of the convenience activities will permit a more direct cultivation of the market. Given the new post-coronavirus perspectives, the simplified structure will allow the consistent exploitation of opportunities. The organizational changes will be implemented on May 1, 2022.


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