NPFDA approves name change

NPFDA approves name change.

The National Protein and Food Distributors Association (NPFDA) membership approved a name change earlier this year, leading to a full rebrand. The change reflects NPFDA member's interests and the organization's new direction within the industry. 

NPFDA partnered with Allied Member, Lumen Creative, a full-service marketing agency in Boise, Idaho for our rebrand. Lumen went through a 5-step process to help uncover the brand perception and identify words that define the NPFDA organization. This journey helped the Lumen team craft branding options that included imagery, texture, typography, color, mood, and more. In the end, the new logo mark has been designed to represent our continued commitment to building long-term business relationships to the protein and food industries throughout this ever-changing environment. 

Lumen provided several options which were shared with leadership and finally with the whole membership. The membership then voted on the winning logo. 

“We were ecstatic at the opportunity to assist with NPFDA’s rebranding needs. With the name change, NPFDA had a unique opportunity to represent their true mission of the organization, Connectivity” said Bradley Backstrom, Director of Marketing at Lumen Creative. Backstrom continued, “The use of the organic icon to represent industry connectivity combined with a strong font make for a well-rounded brand image that clearly helps define the NPFDA mission.” 

“Our new logo invokes connection. It is fresh and refined. Our members recognize that through their membership with NPFDA and the various events, they create valuable connections for lasting relationships that in turn help them grow thriving businesses, “said Cece Corbin, CMP, President of NPFDA. 



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