Helping tackle antimicrobial resistance

DSM Animal and Health releases document on tackling antimicrobial resistance.

Animal protein is a key part of a healthy diet, and as the global population grows, so does the demand for nutritious food. However, to increase productivity and animal health, many farms are using antibiotics—a practice which is leading to widespread antimicrobial resistance. This document highlights key facts about what DSM Animal Nutrition and Health is doing through its We Make It Possible strategic initiative to provide science-led, innovative solutions on its new sustainability platform, Helping tackle antimicrobial resistance 


Key Facts


  • Productivity in animal production has been advanced by many innovations, one of which is antibiotics in low dosages. However, evidence suggests a link between the misuse and overuse of antibiotics and the spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
  • Experts predict that antibiotic resistance diseases will become the leading cause of death in humans by 2050. By this time, it could claim 10 million lives a year. Currently, AMR claims 700,00 lives a year (World Health Organisation).
  • Between 50-70% of the world’s supply of antibiotics deemed important for human health are currently used in animal farming to promote growth and prevent disease. 
  • Antibiotic usage rates are highest in the swine production industry, followed by poultry and ruminants. 


What is DSM Animal Nutrition and Health doing to help?


  • DSM Animal Nutrition and Health has launched a new sustainability platform, Helping tackle antimicrobial resistance, to address this issue. This platform is one of six sustainability platforms that underpin the We Make It Possible strategic initiative, which sets out to transform the industry and make animal farming more sustainable.
  • DSM Animal Nutrition and Health is a leading pioneer in the field of Eubiotics, including organic acids, phytogenics (natural plant extracts), probiotics and prebiotics. These nutritional ingredients strengthen gut health and the robustness of farm animals, leading to:
    • Reduced incidence and impact of disease
    • Reduce need for antibiotic prophylaxis
    • Healthier animals and better growth
    • Accelerating the replacement of antibiotic growth promotors (AGPs) 


  • DSM Animal Nutrition and Health believes that antibiotics should only be used responsibly, in compliance with national authority approvals. Key alternative nutritional solutions to antibiotics include:
  • Balancius for Broilers 
    • In partnership with Novozymes, DSM have developed this highly innovative feed technology which targets broken bacterial cell walls in the gut, thereby unlocking the hidden potential of gut functionality. 
    • By breaking down the bacterial cell debris that is ubiquitous in all animals, it reduces accumulation on the gut wall, thus improving nutrient absorption, digestibility, and feed efficiency. It consistently reduces the feed conversion ratio in broilers by 3%. These improvements go a long way to offsetting the cost of AGP removal from broiler diets. 
  • VevoVitall for Swine
    • Based on benzoic acid, VevoVitall® improves gut functionality and has been used by the EU swine industry in increasing numbers since the 2006 AGP ban.
    • In numerous commercial field trials, adding VevoVitall® to piglet diets at 0.5% consistently reduced feed conversion ratio by more than 2.5% and improved weight gain by 10%. It also reduced necessary diarrhea treatment and veterinarian costs by 50%. 
  • Crina Poultry Plus:
    • Builds on the principles of Optimum Vitamin Nutrition(OV N) to ensure animals receive the correct intake of vitamins to maintain optimal physiological functionality. 
    • In over 200 field trials, it has been demonstrated that an inclusion level of 300ppm, Crina can achieve a 2.6% reduction in feed conversion ratio and a 2.1% increase in weight gain. It is also highly effective against bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli.
  • Crina Ruminants: 
    • Allows reduction in feed specifications without affecting animal performance, and reduces the impact of variations in feed quality. Prevents the growth of bacteria that turn valuable amino acids into waste ammonia.
    • In trials, it has been shown to slow the rate of starch fermentation, reducing the extent to which protein is degraded. All these elements improve the supply of nutrients available to the animal, and translates into more milk from the same quantity of feed.


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