BRF names three new executives

The BRF Board of Directors, in the meeting held on August 31, approved the appointment of executives for the following positions: chief financial and investor relations officer, vice president of integrated planning, and be vice president of strategy, management, and innovation.


The BRF Board of Directors, in the meeting held on August 31, approved the appointment of executives for the following positions: chief financial and investor relations officer, vice president of integrated planning, and be vice president of strategy, management, and innovation.

Ito named chief financial and investor relations officer

Elcio Ito was been named to the position of chief financial and investor relations officer, which has been temporarily occupied by Lorival Nogueira Luz Jr., the company’s global chief operating officer.

An executive with more than 20 years of professional experience in finance, planning, and commodities, Ito initiated his professional trajectory at Lloyds Bank and built a sound career at General Motors for 10 years, of which four were abroad (in the United States, Switzerland, and Germany).

For seven years at BRF, Ito led important challenges within the company, serving in treasury, financial planning, capital budgeting, market risk, and investor relations. In 2017, he occupied temporarily the position of chief financial officer for six months and, in October of the same year, he took over as vice-president of integrated planning with responsibility over integrated planning, commodities, international logistics and market intelligence.

Dallorto appointed vice president of integrated planning

Leonardo Dallorto takes over as vice-president of integrated planning. An executive with 18 years of experience, Dallorto started his career at ALL and, in 2002, he joined Vale at the Department of Port and Rail Logistics, fostering the international expansion of the company in projects in Canada, India, and Africa.

From 2007 to 2011, he worked at McKinsey & Co and developed projects in supply chain, procurement, strategy, and M&A at different companies in several sectors within Latin America.

Since 2011 serving as a director at BRF, he led the departments of procurement, integrated planning, and logistics for the South Region. Since March 2018 he has been serving as executive director of industrial operations.

Pereira to be vice president of strategy, management, and innovation

Rubens Pereira will take over as vice president of strategy, management, and innovation, effective October 1.

An executive with more than 20 years of experience, Pereira served in consulting companies like Booz-Allen & Hamilton and Boston Consulting Group. He is leaving the position of global director of strategy and innovation for the vegetable oil business at Cargill, a company that he worked for since 2004.

Pereira holds a bachelor’s degree in electronic engineering and a masters of business administration.

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