Sanderson Farms filling jobs for new poultry complex

Sanderson Farms has started the process of hiring people to work at its new poultry complex in Tyler, Texas.

(Sanderson Farms)
(Sanderson Farms)

Sanderson Farms has started the process of hiring people to work at its new poultry complex in Tyler, Texas. The new complex, which includes a processing plant, hatchery and feed mill, is expected to open in early 2019.

The third largest broiler company in the United States this week is hosting “Sanderson Way Career Interest Sessions” at Tyler Junior College’s West Campus.

According to a report from CBS19, Sanderson Farms will meet with job seekers to learn about the various career opportunities available with the company. Following the sessions, Sanderson Farms representatives will call back interested applicants who the company thinks would be a good fit for employment at the facility.

The first round of people hired are expected to start right after Labor Day.

The new Sanderson Farms poultry complex is expected to bring 1,600 new jobs to East Texas.

In October 2017, Sanderson Farms announced that it had named four people to its live production division for the complex. Those positions included division manager, production manager, breeder hatchery manager and broiler manager.

In November 2017, Sanderson Farms announced that it was seeking to hire about 100 salaried employees for the new facility.

According to the WATTAgNet Top Poultry Companies Database, Sanderson Farms produced 82.5 million pounds of ready-to-cook chicken on a weekly basis in 2017, and with the increased capacity brought on with the new facility, that number will climb.

Other new poultry plants expected to open soon

The Sanderson Farms complex is just one of several new poultry plants expected to open in 2019. Other companies with target dates to open new poultry facilities in 2019 include Simmons Foods, Tyson Foods and Lincoln Premium Poultry, which will process chicken for Costco Wholesale Corporation.

Bell & Evans has also announced plans for a new poultry plant, which is expected to open in 2020.

In addition, several of the top poultry companies have announced expansion projects.

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