Top Poultry Companies database reveals diversification

The WATTAgNet Top Companies database offers details on the largest broiler, turkey, egg and feed companies in the United States, and in many cases, some of the Top Companies are listed in more than one production category.

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Every year, WATT Global Media conducts its Top Companies survey, which involves the largest companies in the broiler, turkey, egg and feed industry. Those businesses are listed in the WATTAgNet Top Poultry Companies and Top Feed Companies databases. In many cases, some of the top companies are listed in more than one production category.

For instance, four of the top 10 feed companies in the United States are also listed as top turkey companies, and two of those four are also top companies for broiler production.

Crossover in feed, poultry companies

Cargill, the largest feed company in the U.S. with an annual compound feed production of 17.9 million metric tons, is also the third largest turkey company in the U.S., having processed 1 billion pounds in 2017.

Tyson Foods ranks as the third largest feed company in the U.S., producing 10 million metric tons annually. It is also the country’s sixth largest turkey company, having slaughtered 349 million pounds in 2017, and the largest broiler company, having produced 174.8 million pounds of ready-to-cook chicken on a weekly basis in 2017.

Perdue Farms is the sixth largest feed company, seventh largest turkey company and fourth largest broiler company in the country. Its production amounts to 2.5 million metric tons of compound feed annually, 284 million pounds of turkeys annually, and 62.86 million pounds of ready-to-cook chicken on a weekly basis.

Prestage Farms ranks tenth in U.S. feed production, with an annual production of 1.36 million metric tons during the last year reported, as well as 17th among U.S. turkey companies, having processed 140 million pounds in 2017.

The October 2018 issue of Feed Strategy will feature updated information on the top feed companies.

Also processing chicken and turkey

Hain Pure Protein joins Tyson and Perdue as companies that are top broiler and turkey companies. The subsidiary of Hain Celestial ranks 10th among U.S. turkey companies with and 29th among top U.S. broiler companies. It processed 241 million pounds of turkey in 2017, and 1.23 million pounds of ready-to-cook chicken, also in 2017.

Hain Celestial has started the process of divesting of Hain Pure Protein. That divestiture is expected to shake up WATT's Top Poultry Company rankings.

Egg and turkey crossover

The diversified Cooper Farms has a presence among the list of Top Turkey Companies and Top Egg Companies. It ranks 28th among U.S. egg producers, while it is the ninth largest turkey company in the United States.

Cooper Farms had a flock of 3.15 million hens in 2017. In its turkey operations, it processed 271 million pounds in 2017.

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