Brand promise is foundation of a brand-building house

Comparing a brand to a house, Ann Kehoe, global head of brand at Alltech, said a brand promise is the foundation of a brand-building house.


Comparing a brand to a house, Ann Kehoe, global head of brand at Alltech, said a brand promise is the foundation of a brand-building house.

Kehoe spoke at ONE18, The Alltech Ideas Conference, Monday in Lexington, Kentucky.

She went on to “build the house,” saying loyalty is the brick work, authenticity is the mortar and personalization is the roof.

The brand promise — a statement made by an organization to its customers telling them what they can expect from its product or service — is the single most important aspect of a brand, Kehoe said.

“Not just about what you say, it’s about everything that you do,” she said. The brand promise is immune to change.

Loyalty can pay off for a company but, to understand what loyalty means to your customer, you must understand who that customer is, Kehoe said. Surprise and delight your customers to keep them loyal.

Brands that have embraced authenticity and transparency have consumer brand advocates who market for them. Companies should be honest and transparent with their customers.

Personalization and positive brand experiences are driven by data and analytics. Data is new gold, Kehoe said, but companies must understand the algorithm behind the data because it’s the algorithm that actually delivers the gold in the data.

Kehoe said companies can future-proof their house with innovation and adapting to a changing marketplace.

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