Aviagen to acquire Hubbard Breeders

Aviagen has signed an agreement to purchase Hubbard Breeders, the broiler genetics division of Groupe Grimaud.

Jan Henriksen, left, CEO of Aviagen Broiler Breeding Group, and Frederic Grimaud, CEO of Groupe Grimaud, sign documents related to Aviagen's pending acquisition of Hubbard Breeders. | Aviagen
Jan Henriksen, left, CEO of Aviagen Broiler Breeding Group, and Frederic Grimaud, CEO of Groupe Grimaud, sign documents related to Aviagen's pending acquisition of Hubbard Breeders. | Aviagen

Aviagen has signed an agreement to purchase Hubbard Breeders, the broiler genetics division of Groupe Grimaud. The agreement between the two companies was signed on July 31 and will be concluded later this year.

As part of the agreement, Hubbard will operate as a wholly owned subsidiary of Aviagen Group, under the direction of Aviagen CEO Jan Henriksen. It will remain an independent broiler breeding company with separate breeding and commercial activities, and will continue to be headquartered in France.

Recognizing the business advantages  

 “We welcome Hubbard into the Aviagen family,” said Henriksen. “Hubbard’s diversity of genetic products and in-depth expertise in the different segments of the broiler breeding market will greatly contribute to Aviagen’s expanding product line offerings. We look forward to leveraging the full strength of  the Aviagen group to further enhance Hubbard’s position as an important player in the global broiler breeder market.”  

Hubbard CEO Olivier Rochard agrees that the close association with Aviagen will add great value to Hubbard`s global customer base.  

 “My management team and I are delighted to become part of such a world-class organization as Aviagen. We are looking forward to utilizing the strengths of both organizations, particularly in the areas of technology, R&D, production efficiencies and distribution capabilities,” he said. “We share with Aviagen the ultimate goal of continually advancing the genetic potential of our birds and safeguarding the security of supply to global markets, which will profit our valued customers all around the world.”    

Providing customers a seamless transition and greater benefits 

The two companies will continue to operate and support their customers independently, with no disruption to their customary products and services. At the same time, customers will benefit from the combined best practices, experience and knowledge, as well as the strong dedication to customer success shared by both companies.   

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