Cherkizovo Group visits Bahrain for first time

Cherkizovo Group, Russia’s top meat producer, recently visited Bahrain for the first time as part of a large Russian business delegation.

Cherkizovo Group, Russia’s top meat producer, recently visited Bahrain for the first time as part of a large Russian business delegation.

The joint meeting between the Russian-Bahraini Business Council (RBBC) and the Bahraini-Russian Business Council (BRBC), headed by Khalid Al Moayed, took place on Nov. 27-28. Its main purpose was to promote business relations between the two countries and outline further steps of cooperation. Russian business owners had the opportunity to showcase their products and establish relations with the Bahraini business community.

Cherkizovo Group took part in the event to promote its halal poultry export brand, Dajajti, which was designed specifically to help the Group expand its presence in the Middle East. Three of Cherkizovo’s poultry houses have received export licenses for the Middle East after they were certified by the Halal Center of Moscow. Their adherence to halal standards has also been confirmed by the veterinary services of the Arab Republic of Egypt and United Arab Emirates.

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