USPOULTRY Foundation awards recruiting grant

Ohio State University recently received a $4,600 student recruiting grant from the USPOULTRY Foundation.

Ohio State University recently received a $4,600 student recruiting grant from the USPOULTRY Foundation. The grant was made possible by an endowing gift from Midwest Poultry Services.

“Bringing bright, young people into our industry in our region is critically important, and we are very pleased to support this effort,” said Bob Krouse, CEO of Midwest Poultry Services.

“We truly appreciate these funds and intend to use them to recruit students who are not yet at OSU and students within the College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences by inviting them to join poultry science sponsored events. We cannot wait to utilize this generous grant to further facilitate and enhance interest in the poultry industry,” said Michael Cressman, assistant professor, Department of Animal Sciences, Ohio State University.

The funds will be used to provide animal and meat science students with exposure to the poultry industry, on a state and national level, to help better understand the scope of the poultry industry. The students will have an opportunity to experience poultry judging contests, attend major poultry industry conventions and visit state industry partners.

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