China releases specifications to prevent, control ASF

In response to cases of African swine fever (ASF) reported internationally, the Ministry of Agriculture of People’s Republic of China (MOA) released the Technical Specifications for Prevention and Control of ASF (Trial) on November 24.

China has released its technical specifications for the prevention and control of African swine fever. | David Andersson,
China has released its technical specifications for the prevention and control of African swine fever. | David Andersson,

In response to cases of African swine fever (ASF) reported internationally, the Ministry of Agriculture of People’s Republic of China (MOA) released the Technical Specifications for Prevention and Control of ASF (Trial) on November 24. The specifications were released to help the Chinese agency fully implement the National Medium-and-Long Term Animal Disease Control Plan (2012-2020) and guarantee the sustainable development of the pig industry and effective supply of pork products.

The specifications that apply to any related entities and individuals involved in the preventative activities in China establish the prevention and control measures including the diagnosis, submission, confirmation, epidemic response and prevention of African swine fever (ASF).

According to the specifications, any entity or individual that finds unusual death of hogs and wild boars such as the vaccine failure of classical swine fever and massive deaths of hogs for unknown causes should immediately report to the local veterinary authorities, animal health supervision institutions or animal disease prevention and control institutions. Clinically suspected cases of ASF identified by county animal disease prevention and control institutions should be submitted to local veterinary authorities in two hours and then to the provincial animal disease control institutions.

As pointed out by the specifications, the epidemic spot, infected area and risk area should be established according to the location where the dead or sick animals are found. The infected area covers an area with a radius of three kilometers of the epidemic spot; the risk area stretches out by an area of 50 kilometers starting from the edge of the infected area.

Disinfection should be carried out at the infected premise three to five times a day for one week after which the same work should be done once a day for another15 days.

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