Morocco’s turkey production approaches 10 million head

Morocco’s production of turkey poults rose by almost 16 percent last year to stand at 9,995,767, reports the country’s directorate of production development.

Morocco’s production of turkey poults rose by almost 16 percent in 2014 to stand at 9,995,767, reports the country’s directorate of production development.

Over the last decade, turkey poult production in Morocco has risen twenty-fold. In 2004, Morocco produced only 482,620 turkey poults. Output has increased in seven out of the last 10 years, and figures from the first quarter of this year suggest that expansion is continuing.

Despite this increase, the country still needs to import close to 3 million poults annually.

According to industry association FISA Maroc, there were 689 registered turkey farms in Morocco last year and turkey meat output stood at 78,000 tonnes.

While the sector may have grown significantly, it remains small when compared with Morocco’s broiler production. The association reports that were 7,293 broiler farms registered in the country last year producing 456,000 metric tons of broiler meat. 

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