Avian influenza resurfaces in Mexican poultry

Roughly one month after the avian flu situation was considered resolved in the country, the virus is found in a flock of commercial hens.

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Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) resurfaced in Mexico, with a new outbreak being reported by the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH).

According to WOAH, the presence of HPAI was confirmed in Cajame, Sonora, in a commercial laying hen flock. Animal health authorities were notified that clinical signs were being witness, including sudden death of birds and lesions consistent with HPAI. Tests proved positive for the H5N1 variant of HPAI on October 30.

Of the 90,000 susceptible birds in the flock, 15,000 of them had died. The remaining birds are being euthanized and disposed of.

The premises has been quarantined and disinfection procedures are planned. Zoning has been applied and surveillance both within and outside of the restricted zone is being conducted.  

The latest infection comes shortly after the HPAI situation in Mexican poultry had been deemed resolved on October 4. After more than 6.7 million head of poultry were affected by HPAI between October 26, 2022, and July 11, 2023, all birds from affected flocks had been depopulated and all affected premises had been disinfected about a month prior to October 4.

However, HPAI was still present in wild birds in Mexico, with WOAH reporting a case of HPAI in a common teal on October 26.

To learn more about HPAI cases in commercial poultry flocks in the United States, Canada and Mexico, see an interactive map on WATTPoultry.com.

Read our ongoing coverage of the global avian influenza outbreak.

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