Canada commits funds to help manage avian flu

The Government of Canada has committed nearly CA$2 million (US$1.55 million) to help four poultry industry entities manage avian influenza and other risks.

(fintastique, Bigstock)
(fintastique, Bigstock)

The Government of Canada has committed nearly CA$2 million (US$1.55 million) to help four poultry industry entities manage avian influenza and other risks.

Member of Parliament for London North Centre, Peter Fragiskatos, on behalf of Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister Lawrence MacAulay, was at the National Poultry Show in London on April 4 to announce investments.

These investments went to various projects that develop new insurance tools to protect poultry and egg producers against the financial impact of an outbreak of a poultry disease such as avian influenza.

"Every day, poultry and egg producers work hard to keep their flocks safe, healthy and disease-free,” stated Fragiskatos. “By investing in these essential tools for our farmers, we are helping them to manage risks and access critical information. The investments announced today will help support the local economy of the London area, where many poultry farmers are located and supporting well-paid middle-class jobs." 

In a press release, MacAulay stated: “Every poultry farmer knows how devastating an outbreak can be on their operations and their bottom lines. Our government is pleased to work with poultry organizations across Canada to ensure that farmers have the proper tools in place to manage those financial risks. These investments will support a stronger agriculture sector and the well-paid middle class jobs it provides." 

Projects announced by Fragiskatos include:

  • CA$659,750 for L'Équipe québécoise de contrôle des maladies avicoles to develop an insurance-based compensation plan for Quebec poultry producers to cover certain costs related to six diseases, including avian influenza, during an outbreak.
  • CA$378,250 for the Canadian Egg Industry Reciprocal Alliance to develop an avian influenza insurance for Canadian regulated egg supply chain producers and a Salmonella enteritidis insurance for Quebec broiler breeders hatching egg producers.
  • CA$473,700 for Chicken Farmers of Ontario (CFO) to develop enhanced biosecurity operating procedures during a poultry disease outbreak, and to implement an avian influenza insurance to compensate chicken and turkey producers in Ontario for losses resulting from a disease outbreak.
  • CA$318,500 for the Poultry Insurance Exchange Reciprocal of Canada to develop an avian influenza insurance for Ontario, Alberta and Saskatchewan hatching egg producers and Ontario table egg producers.


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