News Corporation: Lessons for the poultry industry

Whether in the poultry, feed or any other industry, it is often worth standing back and reviewing exactly we might have been doing.

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Rupert Murdoch’s media group has been grabbing headlines rather than creating them.

One of the world’s largest media companies stands accused of gaining information illegally and failing to disclose how that information was gained.

In an age when information should be easier to access than ever before, it seems ironic that one of the world’s largest information suppliers should stand accused of being less than open and honest about its methods.

There are wider lessons for all us in whatever sector we work. The truth usually comes out in the end, and it is often better to be honest from the beginning. And in those cases where there may have been less than openness, it is usually better to admit to wrongdoing rather than wait until it has been discovered.

Owning up can lead to forgiveness, whereas discovery unleashes a lot of very different emotions and consequences.

And whether in the poultry, feed or any other industry, it is often worth standing back and reviewing exactly we might have been doing. Do we always behave ethically? Are we straightforward and honest in our communication? Are we really investing as much in our activities as we claim, or do we rely too much on spin and simply revealing what is convenient and suits our needs?

These are interesting questions to ask ourselves and we may not always like the answers. Taking a long hard look at the truth is not always comfortable, but ultimately we all benefit when such exercises are carried out.

In our relationships, be they with consumers, suppliers or whoever, it is important to think about myths and realities and the consequences of living by one or the other. The accusations against News Corp. may stretch back years, but they have now come to the fore, and they eventually will for all us if we have things to hide. 

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