Record amount of double-yolked eggs

Family in the UK crack open double-yolked egg after double-yolked egg.

Clements 90x90 Headshot Headshot

I thought it would be nice to look at something a little lighter this week.

Watch this video of a rather excited family in the UK as they crack open double-yolked egg after double-yolked egg.

I used to love these eggs on the rare occasion that we saw them as children, and given the number that you will see if you follow the link, I can understand why I haven’t seen any recently. Somebody has more than their fair share!

It is certainly unusual to see a double yolk, but the odds of seeing the number shown in the video are even more remote.

It is worth reading the comments that follow the video -- they give an interesting idea of how some people view the egg industry!

If you are interested in seeing what happens when a fertilized double yolk egg hatches, visit AnimalAgNet and read the accompanying discussion too.



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