Jill Benson retires from California egg producer JS West

Jill Benson,great granddaughter of JS West & Companies founder, James Stewart West, isleaving her senior vice president position at the 106-year-old diversifiedfamily business. Benson said, "I've been blessed with an exciting andfulfilling 35 year career in furniture, fuel and egg farming. It's been aprivilege and honor working with wonderful employees, customers, suppliers andindustries, especially the dedicated and passionate community ofagriculture."

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Jill Benson, great granddaughter of JS West & Companies founder, James Stewart West, is leaving her senior vice president position at the 106-year-old diversified family business. Benson said, "I've been blessed with an exciting and fulfilling 35 year career in furniture, fuel and egg farming. It's been a privilege and honor working with wonderful employees, customers, suppliers and industries, especially the dedicated and passionate community of agriculture."

Benson spent most of her working life in the egg business, involved in virtually every facet of the industry. She said that she will forever be an “eggvocate.” JS West installed the first enriched colony hen housing system in the U.S. and Benson worked to educate consumers, legislators, activists and others in the egg industry about the advantages of this type of housing for hen welfare and the sustainability of the industry.

In retirement, Benson reports that she plans to dedicate her time to philanthropic activities and volunteerism focused on feeding the hungry and the food insecure, both in California and abroad. Benson said that she and her husband, Ken Woodward, plan to enjoy their home in Santa Cruz, travel doing good works, enjoying outdoor adventures and maintaining lifelong friendships.

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