Top US poultry company data files updated

WATT PoultryUSA and Egg Industry’s lists of data collected from top poultry and egg companies has been updated with 2017 numbers, and it can be purchased online.


WATT PoultryUSA and Egg Industry’s lists of data collected from top poultry and egg companies has been updated with 2017 numbers and can now be purchased online at

Files can be purchased online and downloaded as an Excel spreadsheet. Data sets include:

Top US broiler producers 2017

Top US broiler producers 2008-2017

Plant locations of US broiler and turkey producers

Top US egg producers 2008-2017

Key personnel at leading US broiler producers

Prices range from US$49 for the single-year files to US$199 for the historical poultry and egg files. Top poultry company data is gathered each year by the staffs of WATTPoultryUSA, EGG Industry, Industria Avicola and Poultry International, published in the respective magazine and presented online on 

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