Poultry processor Case Farms awards college scholarships

Poultry processor Case Farms awarded two college scholarships to children of its employees during the company’s annual service awards dinners. Each of the two recipients received a $2,500 scholarship as part of the J. Leroy Cook Memorial Scholarship Program, following evaluation of their applications by a panel of three judges.

Poultry processor Case Farms awarded two college scholarships to children of its employees during the company’s annual service awards dinners. Each of the two recipients received a $2,500 scholarship as part of the J. Leroy Cook Memorial Scholarship Program, following evaluation of their applications by a panel of three judges.

One of the recipients is Alexandria Bryant, daughter of a supply clerk at the company's Morganton, N.C., plant, who will begin North Carolina State University in fall 2011, and plans to study polymer and color chemistry. The other recipient is Ellen Jackson, daughter of the controller at Case Farms' Winesburg, Ohio, plant, who is currently studying marketing and English at John Carroll University.

“Case Farms strongly believes in creating a community that not only supports its employees but their families as well,” said David Van Hoose, president and chief operating officer at Case Foods. “We are proud to provide these students with an opportunity to further their education and relieve some of the financial stresses associated with attending school.”

Established in 2005 by Case Farms founder, Thomas Shelton, the J. Leroy Cook Memorial Scholarship Program honors Case Farms employee Leroy Cook, a former senior vice president of operations. To date, Case Farms has given away more than $30,000 in college scholarships to children of its employees.

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