More Mexican poultry infected with HPAI

Among the flocks in Mexico where avian influenza was confirmed was a commercial layer farm with close to 163,000 hens.

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Avian Flu Notebook
Alena Ozihilevich | Bigstock

The World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) released a recent report sharing details on three cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in Mexico.

Among the cases are one commercial layer farm, one broiler farm and one backyard flock.

Layer flock in Cajame infected

HPAI was detected in a commercial laying hen farm in Cajeme, according to the WOAH report. In this case, the birds had been showing clinical signs and lesions consistent with the disease. Tests performed came back positive for an H5N1 variant of HPAI.

A total of 162,762 birds were susceptible. Of those, 2,672 had died, while the remaining 160,000 were depopulated and disposed of.

HPAI hits small broiler flock in Uman

WOAH also gave an update on a case of HPAI in a broiler flock in Uman.

In this case, which had been previously reported, WOAH stated that 1,198 birds at the broiler farm had died as a result of contracting HPAI.

Like was the situation with the Cajame layer flock, farm operators had noticed the presence of clinical signs and lesions consistent with HPAI.

Avian influenza in backyard flock

A backyard flock in Altamira was also reported to have been affected by an HPAI infection. These birds were laying hens, and the presence of the virus was detected through notification due to the presence of lesions and clinical signs of HPAI.

No deaths were reported in the case, but all 1,980 birds in the flock were killed and disposed of.

Other control measures put in place in all three cases included quarantine, surveillance within and outside of the restricted zone, and the disposal of byproducts and waste.

According to the WOAH, Mexico has now lost 6,737,228 birds during the current HPAI outbreak.

To learn more about HPAI cases in commercial poultry flocks in the United States, Canada and Mexico, see an interactive map on 

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