Opinion published on animal-based measures to assess broiler welfare

The European Food Safety Authority has published a scientific opinion on the use of animal-based measures to assess the welfare of broilers, saying such measures can be used effectively in on-farm evaluation in relation to laws, codes of practice, quality assurance schemes, management and ante-mortem inspection. The scientific opinion gives an overview of the current and potential future use of the measures, with its first section presenting the document's background by outlining the findings of previous European Food Safety Authority scientific opinions in this area, work on broiler welfare carried out within the EU-funded Welfare Quality project and general issues related to the use of animal-based measures.

The European Food Safety Authority has published a scientific opinion on the use of animal-based measures to assess the welfare of broilers, saying such measures can be used effectively in on-farm evaluation in relation to laws, codes of practice, quality assurance schemes, management and ante-mortem inspection.

The scientific opinion gives an overview of the current and potential future use of the measures, with its first section presenting the document's background by outlining the findings of previous European Food Safety Authority scientific opinions in this area, work on broiler welfare carried out within the EU-funded Welfare Quality project and general issues related to the use of animal-based measures. The second section discusses the four terms of reference outlined in the Panel on Animal Health and Welfare’s mandate. The third section addresses ways in which data and information on the links between factors affecting welfare and measures used to assess welfare can best be merged to facilitate further developments in welfare assessment. 

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