My top 5 most-read Latin American poultry blogs in 2023

What readers liked the most in 2023: focus on eggs, alternative proteins, regulations and investments in poultry

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2023 2024 Egg
Andrea Gantz

I always find interesting to see what where the most-attracting topics of my blogs during the year. So, as I have done previously, here are my top 5 most-read blogs of 2023:

1.    How the world’s two largest egg producers have evolved

The first blog is about the evolution of Cal-Maine in the U.S. and Proan in Mexico — the two largest egg producers in the world — in the last 10 years. Each one, with their particular way of doing and growing business, have been steadily keeping their positions in the world ranking. 

2.     World's largest insect protein plant underway in Spain

The second blog is about insect production for feeds, a subject that I really enjoy, mainly because it is disrupting the traditional way of manufacturing feeds. The blog is about the Spanish company, Tebrio, which is building the world largest insect protein production plant in Spain, as well as their products. 

3.     How to kill poultry production with regulations

The third blog is also about one of my favorite topics: lawmaking and animal welfare, and how they go too far with animal production, which provides food for people! Will they ever enforce severe regulations against air conditioning, cars or the excessive consumerism of worthless and useless presents made of plastic in East Asia? 

4.     Pilgrim’s Pride: New investments on the rise in Mexico

My fourth blog is about one of the most important poultry companies in the world — Pilgrim’s Pride, and the investments they are planning in broiler production in the Yucatan peninsula, which is a good sign for the country. Pilgrim’s is also the second largest broiler producer in Mexico and part of the Latin American Top Ten. 

5.     It is a long way to go to bring an egg to the market

My fifth blog deals with the nine-month journey of producing an egg before it reaches the consumer table, along with the unfairness of people complaining about its high price, when they spent more money on other superfluous things. I mean, we are talking about one the best foods we have, still at a very affordable price. 

So, as the year comes to an end, I just would like to thank my readers and WATT Global Media for this opportunity. Hopefully 2024 will enlighten me with more interesting things to write about. 

Happy New year!

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