The Latin American Chicken Day – Unique!

The Latin American poultry industry dedicates one day to celebrate growth in chicken production and consumption, while reinforcing food security in the region.

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Last Friday, July 7, the Latin American Chicken Day took place. The members of the Latin American Poultry Association (ALA) chose this date “to highlight the importance of this animal protein for the sector and for the nations of the continent.”

ALA says that the industry in the region grew more than 20% in the last 10 years. According to data provided by the associations of ALA member countries, currently total production of Latin American countries stands at 28.8 million metric tons (MT) in 2022, almost 30% of the 101 million MT produced worldwide. On the same token, my research shows the region produced a total of 11.9 billion broilers in 2022. The region has two of the largest broiler producers in the world – Brazil and Mexico – and it is home to several of the world's largest chicken companies.

One of the most important aspects to highlight is that the majority of Latin American production is destined for self-consumption. According to ALA, on average each Latin American consumed 39.4 kg of chicken per capita in 2022. It is the most consumed animal protein in the region. Some countries stand out in per capita consumption, such as Argentina, Panama, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia and the Dominican Republic, with rates above 45 kg.

On the other hand, the region also stands out with the largest chicken exporter in the world – Brazil – plus Argentina and Chile. Altogether, they export the equivalent of almost 40% of the entire international chicken meat trade.

After mentioning all these numbers, I would like to say that the poultry industry in Latin America also means food security, jobs, trade and many benefits for the region. I am glad that ALA is giving a boost to open everybody’s eyes to show that the region is stronger than ever. No matter what – avian flu to name one big issue – the poultry industry is here to stay and thrive. And having one day to celebrate it is a wonderful way to do it.

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