Cage-free egg commitment report shows global progression

Over 75% of companies have reported progress on their cage-free transition, according to the 2022 EggTrack Report published on November 16, 2022.

Meredith Johnson Headshot
Globe in human hand against blue sky. Environmental protection concept.
Globe in human hand against blue sky. Environmental protection concept.
Valentina R. |

Over 75% of companies have reported progress on their cage-free transition, according to the 2022 EggTrack Report published on November 16, 2022. 

The 2022 report tracks 232 companies and details each company’s cage-free deadline, progress made against pledges and key findings pertaining to the egg industry’s transition. Of the 232 companies, 103 operate globally, 52 operate in North America, 76 operate in Europe and 2 operate in the Asia-Pacific region. 

To help egg producers match the future supply of cage-free eggs with future demand, it is important for companies with cage-free purchase pledges to clearly report their progress towards meeting those commitments. Additionally, tracking and reporting cage-free transition progress provides transparency to consumers.

Out of the 58 global companies reporting to EggTrack, 34 reported progress on cage-free pledges. Companies with global supply chains stand at an average of 63% cage free. 

By sector, 2 food service and hospitality companies, 0 manufacturers, 6 restaurants, 0 producers and 0 retailers or meal kit companies made new global commitments in 2022. Out of the reporting companies, 55.6% of 18 food service and hospitality companies, 77.8% of 18 manufacturers, 33.3% of 18 restaurants and 100% of retailer or meal kit companies reported against their global commitments.

Regional updates

In North America, out of the 118 companies with cage-free commitments, 66.9% reported progress compared to 66.61% in 2021. U.S. companies Raley’s and Sprouts Farmers Market and Meijer met their cage-free commitments in the past year. Currently, 34.8% of the U.S. layer flock is cage free, compared to 28.6% the same time last year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

In Europe, out of the 128 companies reporting, 85.2% reported cage-free sourcing progress compared to 84% in 2021. European companies who met commitments in the past year include Ahold Delhaize, Andros, Columbus Café, Coop Denmark Group, J D Wetherspoon plc, Markas, Pizza Express and Lactalis. The region’s layer flock is 55% cage free (not including the UK).

In the Asia-Pacific region, out of the 18 companies reporting, 44.4% companies reported progress on cage-free commitments. As of July 2022, none of these companies met their cage-free pledges. 

No companies in any region missed 2021 deadlines. Because companies are consistently reporting liquid egg or egg product usage, future iterations of EggTrack will include egg ingredients as a distinct reporting category.

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