CP Vietnam opens SE Asia’s largest chicken export complex

the first phase of CP Vietnam’s new chicken export complex is now operational, producing 50 million broilers per year.

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(Courtesy CP Foods)
(Courtesy CP Foods)

Late 2020 saw the official inauguration of CP Vietnam’s new poultry complex. The facility is the largest of its kind in Southeast Asia and the first poultry complex in Vietnam directed primarily towards exports.

Plans for development were first announced in 2018. Since then, CP has spent US$250 million to construct the complex which includes technologies that have never been used at any other of its production sites.

Located in the Becamex Binh Phuoc Industrial Park, Binh Phuoc province, in the southeast of the country, the complex comprises a feed mill, hatchery, farms, slaughtering and processing facilities. During its first phase of operation, due to run until 2023, the site has the capacity to produce 50 million broilers per annum. After 2023, production will double to 100 million.

The area where the facility has been constructed will be verified as the first Disease Free Zone in the country by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE). The company had planned to have verification in place sooner than the now expected 2023, however, COVID-19 caused delays.

Keeping disease out

All of the facilities have been built with a high regard to biosecurity, with poultry houses constructed to OIE guidelines to prevent avian influenza and Newcastle disease incursions, CP says. Strict biosecurity measures are also being applied to feed production, parent farms, hatcheries and slaughter and processing plants.

The company has worked with the local Department of Animal Health and Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to create closed-loop production to keep disease out. There are plans that the disease free zone will be gradually expanded outwards in line with the government’s aim of having more of the country recognized as disease free.

The project is creating over 3,000 jobs and CP is offering its farmers a considerable level of support including advice on disease prevention and raising productivity, husbandry training and free disease testing for avian influenza and Newcastle disease.

Production at the plant is primarily orientated towards exports, with 45% percent of output to be shipped to Japan, 35% going to Europe, and the Middle East and Asia absorbing a further 10% each.

CP notes that the complex is working to the standards required by these markets with 100% traceability along the entire supply chain from feed ingredients through to processed product, and is working to high animal welfare and environmental standards.

Vietnam is a key market for CP, accounting for 16% of operations and second only to China in importance as an overseas market. The company first entered the country in the 1980s and, since 1993, CP Vietnam has been operating integrated feed, farm and food businesses there.


The site officially opened in December 2020. | Courtesy CP.


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