AFIA: Economic and Consumption Report Webinar

The Institute for Feed Education and Research, the American Feed Industry Association’s public charity, released the results of two first-of-a-kind research projects detailing the feed industry’s contribution to the national, state and local economies and providing a comprehensive analysis of the ingredients used in the top livestock, poultry and aquaculture diets.

Feb 14th, 2018
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The Institute for Feed Education and Research, the American Feed Industry Association’s public charity, released the results of two first-of-a-kind research projects detailing the feed industry’s contribution to the national, state and local economies and providing a comprehensive analysis of the ingredients used in the top livestock, poultry and aquaculture diets.

Although AFIA and its members have long known the U.S. feed industry is the backbone of American agriculture, the new research gives the industry the data it needs to better communicate this to policymaker and public audiences.

AFIA’s legislative and regulatory staff will be using this information in their meetings with policymakers in the coming months and will also be leaning on YOU to help us communicate it to your congressmen, the media and the public.

AFIA has developed a variety of resources for members to use to help share this story. For example, members can search by their states and congressional districts on interactive maps, as well as download a summary of the data, directly from the AFIA website on the economic and animal food consumption web pages. In addition, AFIA created a members-only communications toolkit, which contains suggested social media posts, various graphics, animated videos, PowerPoint presentations and more.

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