Responding to Consumer demands with Nutrition solutions

Consumers have been a driving forcebehind poultry production companies using higher standards to ensure animalwelfare and produce quality safe products.

Sep 16th, 2014
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Over the past decade the North American poultry industry has seen an increased and evolving voice from the end consumer. This voice has driven many changes and new aspects of thinking and evaluation of the standards used for poultry production. Animal welfare as been one of the hottest topics in this space and continues to become a larger part of production practices. Many companies are now measuring animal welfare with standards that are much more in depth and stringent than before. They are bringing in team members to help evaluate parameters such as paw quality and gait scoring, then offering best management practices to enhance the well-being of the animals. The other driving factor for change has been food safety. There has always been a strong desire for poultry producers in the U.S. to produce a quality safe product, but consumers are driving for even more measures of food safety in ways never thought of before. With changes in traditional poultry production to meet consumer demand, production managers have to find new and unique ways to maintain and reduce the incidence of potential pathogens in production which could have a negative effect on food safety.
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